Monthly archives for January, 2022

Should You Allow Employees to Use Soc...

In the past, employers have strictly forbidden their employees to log on to some of their favorite social networking sites during business hours. The reason for this is obvious: It can be a huge time waster.

A well-meaning employee might log onto their Facebook account just to update their status, which really only takes a couple of minutes, but then find a few friends there and start talking about their lunch or after-work plans and …

Book Review: The Teachings of Zhang X...

This is an excerpt from the book Create Abundance by Zhang Xinyue that explains how to conquer worry and fear. It demonstrates how each of us can create abundance in our lives.

Worry is one of the most powerful adversaries of abundant, happy existence. It can leave you feeling exhausted. Worrying causes us to miss out on the opportunities that are all around us. Instead, you imagine a bleak future with little resources and little …

The Best Types of Furniture for Your ...

Sunrooms add a unique level of charm and comfort to your home by allowing natural light to permeate your household surroundings. Science and common experience have shown that natural light is a positive boon to all humans, resulting in increased vitamin D, improved moods, decreased stress, and higher creativity. Combined with the right furniture and decor, natural light can also change a room’s atmosphere. With this in mind, it’s important to choose the right furniture …

5 Best Business YouTube Channels for ...

YouTube has become an indispensable tool for entrepreneurs and businesses all over the world. You can showcase a new product or talk about how effective your services are. You can demonstrate how something works and give lessons on important topics. There’s really no end to how you can use YouTube and lots of entrepreneurs do use it each and every day. Zhang Xinyue of Golden Touch shares 5 of the best YouTube channels for successful …

How Lawmakers Can Work with Local Cit...

Rep. JD Rossetti, D-Longview has been working on some big important projects lately. He gets involved in the types of legislation that are common sense measures. He believes in getting people involved in making America an amazing place to live.

As Rossetti points out, “We need the advice, opinions and help from local citizens in many types of problems today. Ordinary citizens are the ones who see the problems in our society. They understand what’s …