Monthly archives for April, 2021

Finding the Best Furniture for Your O...

 Blog provided by Wicker Paradise

Are you planning to add an outdoor work area to your office? If you’ve never considered it, there are several significant reasons why it might be a good idea. Humans were programmed to spend time outdoors, which is why being outdoors is good for your health. Being outdoors lowers stress and blood pressure, and it also boosts your immune system. Keeping employees healthy and happy increases morale and productivity. …

Success Is Not Deterred by Failure

Article by The Global Spiritualists Association.

Abraham Lincoln was defeated in 26 political campaigns. He also failed at various business ventures and even declared bankruptcy twice over his lifetime. Something inside him made him keep trying though and in November of 1860, he became America’s 16th president. His Emancipation Proclamation in 1862 freed slaves in 10 states. His Gettysburg Address delivered in 1863 announced to the masses that America was a nation, “conceived in Liberty, …

How to Create Abundance in Your Life:...

Article by Zhang Xinyue of Create Abundance

Creating abundance in your life is all about changing the way you think. It may sound simple but this is one of the hardest things you may ever do. That’s because the way we think is established in us from an early age. We pick up the things we hear adults say and those get ingrained in our philosophy about life. It can be very difficult to change …