Posts tagged business

The Power of Targeted Advertising for...

Are you looking for principles that will skyrocket the effectiveness of your startup’s advertising? No startup brand has grown to profitable levels without effective advertising. You can only rely on word-of-mouth advertising for so long before your level of demand begins to plateau. For this reason, it is important to maximize your advertising potential by crafting a sensible, successful marketing plan.

Renowned business executive Kye Giscombe has successfully leveraged the power of advertising to build …

Useful Business Tips from Established...

The best way to learn how to succeed in any field is by learning from the people who know what it takes to succeed at the highest level. For this reason, it’s important for aspiring entrepreneurs to collect opinions, experiences, and knowledge from successful business people who have built million-dollar empires. Here are a few good tips for any starting entrepreneur.

Don’t let failure discourage you from moving forward

As an entrepreneur, Wesley Virgin knows …

Should You Allow Employees to Use Soc...

In the past, employers have strictly forbidden their employees to log on to some of their favorite social networking sites during business hours. The reason for this is obvious: It can be a huge time waster.

A well-meaning employee might log onto their Facebook account just to update their status, which really only takes a couple of minutes, but then find a few friends there and start talking about their lunch or after-work plans and …

5 Best Business YouTube Channels for ...

YouTube has become an indispensable tool for entrepreneurs and businesses all over the world. You can showcase a new product or talk about how effective your services are. You can demonstrate how something works and give lessons on important topics. There’s really no end to how you can use YouTube and lots of entrepreneurs do use it each and every day. Zhang Xinyue of Golden Touch shares 5 of the best YouTube channels for successful …