Posts tagged meditation

Book Review: The Teachings of Zhang X...

This is an excerpt from the book Create Abundance by Zhang Xinyue that explains how to conquer worry and fear. It demonstrates how each of us can create abundance in our lives.

Worry is one of the most powerful adversaries of abundant, happy existence. It can leave you feeling exhausted. Worrying causes us to miss out on the opportunities that are all around us. Instead, you imagine a bleak future with little resources and little …

Astounding New Health Advantages of M...

Meditation re-establishes the balance and alignment in your central nervous system. Meditation has been proven in scientific studies to improve medical conditions, such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, serious burn injuries and surgery. It also can bring relief to those with eating disorders and Alzheimer’s disease. And it is a practice that Zhang Xinyue recommends to all her followers.

Certain types of meditation also improve the immune system and help you become more productive. Those who …

Experience Abundance in Bell Rock, Se...

Article by Zhang Xinyue of Golden Touch

People today wonder if meditation can really help calm them down so they can focus better on the tasks at hand. This age-old practice has been around for centuries and was practiced by Chinese and Hindu spiritualists. Just the fact that it’s been around for so long has to mean something. So what exactly is meditation?

Simply put, when someone is truly in a deep state of meditation, …